
Last modified: March 17, 2022
  1. Go to administrator (dashboard) site

  2. Go to Plugins and then Installed Plugins, where we see all the plugins installed in our Wordpress

  3. We have to complete OceanWP plugin configuration

plugin plugin

  1. Since we are going to create a store, I selected store theme.


  1. Once the theme is install, now we need it's required plugin. Install theme. You can ignore Get This Addon as it is paid. If you want, you can purchase theme but we are going to do so.

Two of main plugins are installed are

  • Elementor (advanced yet simple to use webpage editor)
  • WooCommerce (one of most pouplar e-commerce plugin)

We will learn how to use later.


  1. Once all plugin installed, you press Import button


  1. Please press Continue to start with default values


  1. Now our website look like this. We will now customise it to suit our need.


  1. We are going to install and activate plug-in that can back or restore.


  1. We can export Wordpress

plugin plugin

  1. We can import Wordpress from downloaded file
