Manage Leave Application View

Create a folder called manage-leave-application in resources>views

Create a file called index.blade.php in in resources>views>manage-leave-application folder

If you are an approving officer for a user and leave type level, then you will see if there is any pending application. In the table, it shows a summary of the leave application and actions (e.g. approve or reject) for the application. If you want to view list of documents, then you can click on the document link.


Complete source code

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@extends('') @section('content') <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <h2>Pending Applications</h2></div> <div class="row"> @if ($LeaveApplications->count()) <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <td>personName</td> <td>leaveType</td> <td>Applied Date</td> <td>Start Date</td> <td>End Date</td> <td>Full Day</td> <td>No Of Day Deduct</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> @foreach ($LeaveApplications as $LeaveApplication) <tr> <td>{{ $LeaveApplication->personName}}</td> <td>{{ $LeaveApplication->leaveType}}</td> <td>{{ $LeaveApplication->createDate}}</td> <td>{{ $LeaveApplication->startDate}}</td> <td>{{ $LeaveApplication->endDate}}</td> @if($LeaveApplication->fullDay == 1) <td>Full Day</td> @else <td>Half Day</td> @endif <td>{{ $LeaveApplication->noOfDayDeduct}}</td> <td> <a href="{{ route('leave_application_manage.approve', $LeaveApplication->id) }}">Approve</a> </td> <td> <a href="{{ route('leave_application_manage.reject', $LeaveApplication->id) }}">Reject</a> </td> <td> <a href="{{ route('leave_application_manage_document', $LeaveApplication->id) }}">Documents</a> </td> <td> <a href="{{ route('leave_application_manage.destory', $LeaveApplication->id) }}">Delete</a> </td> </tr> @endforeach </tbody> </table> @else <div class="row justify-content-center"> <h3>There are no pending leave applications</h3> </div> @endif </div> </div> <x-checkboxComponent /> @endsection