Manage Leave Application Document Contoller

For understanding, how the controller code, please refer to company controller

php artisan make:controller ManageLeaveApplicationDocumentContoller

Replace the code with below

Note: Please use the copy button to copy the source code.

We need to include the following import statement(s)
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

class ManageLeaveApplicationDocumentContoller extends Controller { public function __construct() { $this->middleware('auth'); } public function index($id) { $this->authorize('manage', LeaveApplication::class); $applicationDocuments = DB::table('leave_application_documents') ->join('leave_applications', '', '=', 'leave_application_documents.leave_application_id') ->where('', '=', $id) ->select(['', '']) ->get(); return view('manage-leave-application-document.index', [ 'applicationDocuments' => $applicationDocuments, ]); } }