Page Title Component

For understanding, how the component work, please refer to alert components

php artisan make:component pageTitleComponent

We use font-awesome icon in the page title component, hence we need to install font-awesome. For that we first need node js install because of npm package manager. If you do not have node js install in your machine, you can download it from and install it. npm install font-awesome --save

Then in your app.scss which is located inside resources->sass. Add this line to it. @import "node_modules/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss";

Finally you need to run in the Terminal. npm run dev

<div id="pageTitleContainer" class="container-fluid"> <div class="container"> <h1> @if (session()->has('pageTitleIcon')) <i class="{{ session('pageTitleIcon') }}"></i> @endif @if (session()->has('pageTitle')) {{ session('pageTitle') }} @endif </h1> </div> </div>

Nothing is change in page title component class file