PHP 8 - Security

Last modified: April 02, 2022

1. SQL Injection

Ask user to enter text in textbox of a form


txtUserName = getRequestString("Username"); txtPassword = getRequestString("Password"); txtSQL = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = " + txtUserName + " AND Password = " + txtPassword
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = 'kafle' AND Password = 'P@ssw0rd'; DROP TABLE Users;

Once the sql is executed, it will delete the Users table

How to prevent it?
txtUserName = getRequestString("Username"); txtPassword = getRequestString("Password"); txtSQL = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = @0 AND Password = @1"; db.Execute(txtSQL,txtUserName,txtPassword);

2. Cross-site scripting

This happen when a user input JavaScript code in textbox of Form. It allow harmful JavaScript to execute.

Problem. This JavaScript execute
<?php $user_input = "<script>alert('Your site sucks!');</script>"; echo $user_input; ?>
How to prevent it?
  • Secure the application from such attacks using strip_tags function.
<?php $user_input = "<script>alert('Your site sucks!');</script>"; echo strip_tags($user_input); ?>
  • Secure the application from such attacks using filter_var function.
<?php $user_input = "<script>alert('Your site sucks!');</script>"; echo filter_var($user_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED); ?>

3. Encryption

The code below shows the implementation of md5 and sha1 and can be used for encrypting the password

<?php echo "MD5 Hash: " . md5("password"); echo "SHA1 Hash: " . sha1("password"); ?>